I Guess I Do

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The ironic thing about wedding vows is that while being the most important aspect of your wedding, they are often the most overlooked. With all of the hustle and bustle of everything else going on, it's easy to put them on the back burner.

Kyle and I chose to write our own vows. We figured over half of the country had broken the traditional ones, so why not give it a shot? It sounded like a good idea at the time, but when the week before the wedding rolled around and neither of us had written them, we started to wonder what we had gotten ourselves into.

It's tough because you have so much to say and only a couple of sentences to say it. You want it to be the perfect mix of sentimental and sincere, but staring at a blank piece of paper can be daunting.

That's where Emmy nominated and Humanitas Award winning screenwriter Karen Leigh Hopkins comes into play. Karen is most known for her work in movies 'Stepmom' and 'Because I Said So.'  She is now taking her work from on-screen romantic comedies to real life romances with The Wow Vow - a personal vow writing service.

With The Wow Vow, Karen aids you in writing your own wedding vows from beginning to end, and guides you through the process of articulating your thoughts onto paper. Most importantly, her job is to help you say what you mean and mean you say and give attention to an aspect of the wedding that is most worthy of it.

To book your first free consultation email info@thewow-vow.com. And as an added bonus to all of my Un-Brides, mention I Guess I Do and receive an Exclusive $100 Discount.

For further details and information visit www.thewow-vow.com

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